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Original Music

Below are a few of the songs that I have written and posted on YouTube for the enjoyment of the public. I have been writing music since I was fairly young, but only became serious about putting songs together when I was 19 years old.

Accomplishments: Text


This is definitely my favorite song of all that I have written because of its blues, jazz, and country sound. It has a lot of metaphors embedded in the lyrics which provides the audience with a little sustenance as they listen.

Accomplishments: Video


This song was extremely fun to write. It was one of those pieces that just poured out of me in one sitting. With a more upbeat and light tone, the lyrics are juxtaposed with the sound. I hope you enjoy this piece and feel encouraged by its message.

Accomplishments: Video


My cliché love song that I wrote for my husband when I was 19 actually started out as a music theory project. I used a basic chord progression to demonstrate a particular form of music and sang solfege over the accompaniment. Later on, I wrote the lyrics and put together Willow as a Christmas gift for my boyfriend (now husband).

Accomplishments: Video
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